Sunday, October 5, 2008

About Me :)

×÷·.·´¯`·)»ABOUT ME«(·´¯`·.·÷×
Name:: Kileigh
Nickname(s):: Kiki, Smiley (call me that, consider yourself dead.)
What song are you listening to right now:: Starstrukk - 3OH!3
Birthday:: April
Height:: 5'1''
Right Handed or Left Handed:: Right
Your Weakness:: I have a lot of those.
Your Fears:: Losing loved ones. Becoming someone different for someone else. And plenty of others.
Your Perfect Pizza:: Extra cheese, mushrooms, onions, sausage, and green peppers. Mmm.
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger:: lol
Thoughts First Waking Up:: Ughhhhhh.
Your Best Physical Feature:: I would have to say my eyes. They're deep brown. And beautiful :)
Your Bedtime:: School nights--9:30. Weekends--Whenever.
Your Most Missed Memory:: There's a lot of them.
Pepsi or Coke:: I could really care less.
Do you Swear:: Too much.
Do you Sing:: Not TO people. By myself.
Do you Shower Daily:: Every other day. I don't have time to shower every. single. day.
Do you want to go to College:: Yes.
Do you want to get Married:: Yes.
Do you believe in yourself:: Yes.
Do you get Motion Sickness:: No.
Do you think you are Attractive:: To an extent.
Are you a Health Freak:: I'm a minor germaphobe (I think I spelled that wrong.)
Do you get along with your Parents:: Most of the time.
Do you like Thunderstorms:: Yes!
Do you play an Instrument:: Nope. I wish.
Do you Drink:: No.
Do you Smoke:: No.
Do you do drugs:: No.
Ever been Drunk:: No way.
Ever been called a Tease:: Yes lol.
Ever been Beaten up:: Nope.
Ever been in a Car Accident:: Minor.
Ever ate a Bug:: Yes. My reading class lol.
Favorite song:: Now that's not fair. I have waaay too many songs to choose from!
Favorite Album:: Like Vines - The Hush Sound <33
Favorite Food:: I dunno. I like a lot of foods.
Favorite Book:: I have four (hopefully soon-to-be-5)--Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn & soon-to-be Midnight Sun.
Favorite Poem:: I love all of Shel Silverstein's poems :)
Favorite Thing:: My camera & iPod.
Favorite Place:: The beach.
Favorite Author:: Stephenie Meyer!
Favorite Band:: My numero uno is The Hush Sound <33
Favorite Artist:: Hmm. Probably Henry Homesweet, man :)
Favorite Movie:: As of right now, Juno or The Breakfast Club.
Favorite Website:: MySpace & my blogs.
Favorite Magazine:: Seventeen, I guess.
Favorite Word:: I don't really have one. I love all words :)
Something you can't live with out:: My family.
Do you walk in to walls:: Not often.
Ever Fell down the stairs:: Yes. When I was younger lol.
Ever went to a zoo:: I don't believe so. Maybe once.
Do you like Rollercosters:: I. hate. them.
Favorite Class:: Biology! Ms. Walker is the best :)
Favorite Car:: Don't have.
What country would you most like to Visit:: South Korea.
What do you want to be when you Grow Up:: Photographer or writer or both.
How do you want to Die:: I don't like to think of death much.
What song are you listening to now:: Wine Red - The Hush Sound <33

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Braces on!

Sorry I didn't post on Thursday, when I became a braceface.

But, yes. I have them on! I have purple rubberbands too :)

They don't hurt as much today. But I still can't eat a lot of foods because I receive much pain when I bite down. So I've been living off popsicles these past two days.

They don't look as bad on me as I thought they would either. I only have two sharp edges on my right side. The wax my orthodonist gave me is my mouth's best friend right now!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Braces tomorrow.

Yay! I've gotten through my week of spacers! It really only hurt the second and third day I had them on. Now, even when I bite down, I don't feel a thing. Haha, I told my mom the day I got them on: Ya know? These are going to hurt like heck these coming up days and as soon as I get used to them, I'm gonna get them taken off. And that's exactly what happened :)

Anywho, I haven't had much homework lately, and I'm sorry I haven't been blogging as normally as I have. I have no excuse; I'm just lazy.

I'll try to get back into the habit though. I do post daily though on my photography review blog. I'm so happy - I have 6 followers on there! Thank you everyone!

Well, I guess that's it for now. Maybe I'll post more later on today.