Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Braces tomorrow.

Yay! I've gotten through my week of spacers! It really only hurt the second and third day I had them on. Now, even when I bite down, I don't feel a thing. Haha, I told my mom the day I got them on: Ya know? These are going to hurt like heck these coming up days and as soon as I get used to them, I'm gonna get them taken off. And that's exactly what happened :)

Anywho, I haven't had much homework lately, and I'm sorry I haven't been blogging as normally as I have. I have no excuse; I'm just lazy.

I'll try to get back into the habit though. I do post daily though on my photography review blog. I'm so happy - I have 6 followers on there! Thank you everyone!

Well, I guess that's it for now. Maybe I'll post more later on today.


griffinrider said...

i'm getting my braces off next week. i've had them on for three and a half years. g'luck with them! at first, they're painful and really annoying, but after a while they...kind of grow on you. i'm almost going to miss them, but i'm looking forward to actually being able to bite into an apple without having to cut it into little pieces first.