Thursday, September 25, 2008


I just got them on today (my top braces go on next week.) They're....not as bad as I thought them out to be. They haven't hurt yet, but I have a very severe headache. I'm not sure whether my spacers are the cause of that, or I'm just really stressed or tired.

Anywho, I'm so happy! I now have FOUR followers on my Photography Blog! That really cheers my heart up and I'm so glad people read my reviews and appreciate what I write. It makes me feel quite wonderful :) If I say this too much I'm sorry, but, THANK YOU! ♥

*edit: Thanks for all your comments! They hurt like heck yesterday morning and afternoon! It was torture just to eat! I've been surviving on ice pops! They feel so good on my gums - nice and cool.


Ali said...

I hated spacers. They were so painful!

mariposa said...

I used to have spacers too. They did hurt a ton - although not all the time. Glad they aren't bothering you too much :)

. said...

my spacers were really painful, worse than the braces..

I get the bottom braces on soon..err.

Darling. said...

Tag! Your It!

1.Link the person who tagged you.
2.Mention the rules on your blog.
3.Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
4.Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them.
5.Leave a comment on each of the tagged bloggers' blogs letting them know they've been tagged.

Elle said...

Spacers are the worst part, get through those and the rest is a breeze. Trust me, I would know, i've been through herbst, headgear, braces, retainer, you name it, it's been in my mouth. haha.