Saturday, August 16, 2008

I shouldn't really be on right now ;)

Well, I should be finishing Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe (for World History/geography or something) but I'd rather post a short entry on here lol. School starts on Monday and, surprisingly, I'm beginning to calm down. Yes, I still have those sudden knots in my stomach, but they don't come around as often as they have before. I've been trying to breathe normal and take my mind off of school for now. Today did just the trick. First, I went school clothes shopping with my mom, which was totally awesome! We always have fun together (I love you Mom!) And then, I went swimming over at my parents' good friends Nancy and Glenn. Their hot tub REALLY helped! My muscles were relaxed and I was worry-free. But then, as I was sitting in it, the fact finally hit me in the face. Summer was now at an end. I wouldn't be able to spend all day with my parents, hanging around the house and not worrying about homework or projects. I wouldn't be able to sleep in. I wouldn't be able to stay up late, watching movies with Mom. It all just hit me right there in the hot tub. *sigh* Christmas break seems so far away lol ♥


Skippy said...

I wish you sooo much luck at school. I'm sure you'll do fine.

I love watching movies with my mom too!